Training Programs
Need for Training
We have found that a majority
of construction disputes originate from:
• Lack of understanding of the terms
and conditions.
• Failure to follow procedures required
under the contract.
• Failure to keep appropriate documentation
during the project.
• Vague contract terms and conditions,
subject to different interpretations.
The contract itself should
act as a road map that directs how each party should conduct itself
during construction - from how to prepare submittals, to the payment
application, process, to project close-out, to claims and dispute
If a party does not fully understand the contract - or worse yet,
- didn't bother to really read it, and does not understand its
contractual rights and legal obligations, this can lead to disastrous
results. This includes waiving important payment rights and taking
on more than your fair share of the risk when things go wrong.
We have also found that when
disputes arise, the party with the distinct advantage in resolving
the dispute in their favor has:
(1) Adhered to contract procedures,
(2) Maintained the most complete documentation.
Taking all this into consideration,
Scholefield has created unique training programs focused specifically
on the challenges faced by those in the construction industry.
The Training
Advantage - Training at
your facility, provides numerous advantages over attending public
training seminars, such as the ability to:
• Create a customized
program built around your company's needs;
• Schedule training to meet your company's
schedule and to minimize disruption to your business operation.
• Discuss specific issues freely during
class without concern of inappropriate or confidential information
being revealed to others;
•Send as many employees to each program
session as you wish because our quoted cost is per session or
program with no "per head" charges.
For the ease of planning your
customized program, the training topics are divided into general
groups based on the sequence issues that are usually faced in
a construction project. Some of the topics are interrelated amy
overlap. Rather than considering each topic individually, they
can be taken as a base for your customized training session or
program, and we can include topics that are not specifically listed.
The training topics also have
a recommended intended audience. While some training will be aimed
at executive management, other training will be focused on field
personnel such as owner's reps, project managers and superintendents,
and still other training may be more appropriate for administrative
staff such as project coordinators and accounts receivable personnel.
We can customize for any audience and we can make it a detailed
session or more of an overview of multiple topics. Rememeber,
it's your training - mix and match as you see fit!
• Anatomy of a
Contract- Understanding Contract Terms
• The
Use of Standard Form Contracts (AIA, AGC, etc.)
• Creating
or Customizing Your Contracts
• Terms You Can Live
With - Negotiating Contracts
Construction Phase
• Understanding
contract Terms for Field Personnel
• Administering the
• Paperwork and
Documentation -The Devil is in the Details
Payment Issues
and Disputes
• Resolving
• Getting Paid
• Delay Claims
Negotiation Skills
• Getting
the Contract Terms You Want
• Avoiding
Change Order Disputes
• Negotiating
Skills in General
Expert Witness
• Maintaining Credibility
While Testifying
• Depositions and
Trial Testimony
• Courtroom
Demeanor - Video Evaluations
Program Descriptions
Pre-Construction Phase
Anatomy of a Contract - Understanding Contract Terms
This program is focused on identifying and then understanding
the effect of contract clauses as well as terms you want and don’t
want such as:
• Importance of clarifying scope of work;
• Including your bid/quote in the contract;
• Provisions that shift the burden of risk;
• Indemnity, insurance, and subrogation (yes- you can really
understand it);
• Laws governing contracts and construction;
• Dealing with illegal terms and conditions;
• Incorporation clauses – which contract rules?
• Exculpatory and limiting clauses;
• Payment terms, retention, right to use joint checks;
• Fund Control;
• Liquidated damages – not always the contractor’s
• Change orders, notice, and waiver provisions;
• Contract Cost – GMP, Lump Sum;
• Schedule of Values;
• CPM scheduling;
• Substantial completion;
• Bonding requirements;
• Dispute resolution procedures – what are you agreeing
• And more ….
(For management and key decision makers)
The Use of Standard Form Contracts (AIA, AGC, etc.) -
Is One Right For You?
Understanding the terms and conditions that are contained in standard
form contracts is essential if you plan on using them, or if you
have been presented with one. Often, Architects, Builders, Contractors
and Subcontractors gravitate towards the use of standard form
contracts instead of customizing a contract to fit their particular
needs. The fallacy in this thinking is, not only may the procedures
in the form contract not match how you want to run your project,
but you also may not realize rights you could be waiving under
form contracts. For example, even though AIA contracts are widely
used and perhaps strive to be a “fair” contract both
the owner and the contractor will be waiving rights to seek certain
damages due to delays caused by the other party. It is just as
important to understand the terms of a standard form contract
as it is for a custom contract. This program also investigates
how to coordinate the family of standard form contracts and customize
them for your use.
(For management and key decision makers)
Creating or Customizing Your Contracts
This program explores why creating a master contract may benefit
you. You have control of the contract by eliminating oppressive
terms and conditions and, instead, replacing them with terms and
conditions that are favorable to you. We will examine terms and
conditions that you should always have in your contracts and how
to create contracts written in plain language that will act as
the appropriate roadmap for your project managers, superintendents
and administrative staff. Also addressed is the use of indemnity,
insurance, and subrogation clauses and risk shifting.
(For management and key decision makers)
Terms You Can Live With: Negotiating Contracts
This program is naturally custom tailored to the business type
issuing or negotiating the contract. It includes strategies on
how to negotiate the best terms with all the players, whether
a design professional, owner or builder, general, sub-contractor,
or material supplier. We will also discuss how to handle oppressive
contract terms, and how to conduct yourself during a project if
you decide to accept such terms. We will cover specific items
that you should keep in your contracts and those terms that must
be passed to, and thus negotiated with, subcontractors. Also explored
are the differences between public and private works and the ability
to (or not to) negotiate after bid opening.
(For management and key decision makers)
Construction Phase
Understanding Contract Terms for Field Personnel
Covers the essential parts of a contract that are of significance
to project personnel and emphasizes the importance of following
key terms, such as notice and change order procedures. Specifically
focuses on the areas of contracts that field personnel will play
a key role in.
(For management, project managers, and superintendents)
Administering the Contract
Highlights the procedures and terms that are typically included
in a contract and discusses:
• Organizing your team;
• How to distill the information in the contract into a
field-useable document so that your whole team is in compliance;
• Notice after encountering unknown conditions or changed
• Other notice provisions and when to use them;
• Payment requirements and issues;
• How to communicate properly to assure that you are heard
by the right people;
• Protocol and the importance of following it;
• How to deal with people who are ignoring the proper chain
of command;
• Enforcing your rights under the contract and law;
• Addressing illegal contract terms during construction;
• What steps to follow when the other side isn’t cooperating
with the contract terms;
• How to make sure rights aren’t waived;
• Handling changes – written and otherwise;
• Schedule changes;
• Managing punch lists;
• Substantial Completion;
• Implementing default provisions;
• And more …..
(For management, project managers, and superintendents)
Paperwork and Documentation - The Devil Is in the Details
Nearly all projects require many levels of documentation which
are often viewed as useless and over burdensome, and, thus, they
are ignored. You will see that the devil is truly in the details
as this program emphasizes the importance of properly organized
and detailed paper work by exploring the following topics:
• Organizing project files;
• Use of Types I, II, III, and IV releases and how they
protect you;
• Proper payment applications;
• Providing notices;
• Documenting RFI’s and RFI Logs;
• Organizing Submittals and Submittals Logs;
• Meeting minutes;
• Daily reports – content and purpose;
• Look Aheads;
• Documenting changes and requests for change orders;
• Performing changes before a written change order is issued
– private and public work differences;
• Working under protest;
• Documenting verbal conversations;
• Emails – don’t write anything that you would
not want a judge or jury to see;
• And more ….
(for management, project managers, superintendents, and administration
Payment Issues and Disputes
Resolving disputes
Understand the procedures and deadlines for dispute resolution
as dictated by contract and the law is key to preserving your
right to claims damages. This program deals with conflicts involving:
scope of work; plans and specs; percent of completion; delays;
changes in project schedule, payments, causes of delay, change
orders, and more. How to prepare and submit proper documentation
for a claim to decisions makers such as architects and engineers
is discussed, as well as the appeal procedure if you don’t
agree with the decision. This program outlines how to put together
a solid claim and what to expect when participating in various
dispute resolution procedures such as meet and confers, mediations
and arbitrations. Learn what documents are important and how good
document management works in your favor. The course will also
explore the appropriateness of demanding dispute resolution prior
to the completion of the project.
(For management and project managers)
Getting Paid
Getting paid is why you’re in this business to begin with
and nothing hampers your business and its momentum like not getting
paid. Likewise, as an owner or general contractor, fear can set
in if payments to a contractor or subcontractor get ahead of the
amount of work performed. Whether the non-payment is related to
the original contract work or costs for changes, this program
will advise you on the best way to handle a payment dispute recognizing
various business considerations. The program explains:
• Protecting your right to payment or right not to pay;
• 20-day preliminary notices
• Right to payment under the contract;
• Retention payments;
• Whether payment for changes has been waived;
• Payment for changes – rights under private and public
• Claims procedures;
• Right to stop work- or not;
• Who decides percentage completion for a disputed pay application;
• Challenging architect’s or engineer’s decisions;
• Breach of Contract
• Mechanic’s liens;
• Stop notices;
• Bond claims;
• Violations of Prompt Payment Statutes;
• Preparing a formal claim;
• Pass-through claims;
• And more ….
(For management, project managers, and administration staff)
Delay Claims
Delays are often inevitable in construction. Understanding the
different types of delays, how they affect a project, and whether
you can recoup your losses from them goes a long way in protecting
your rights when a delay occurs. Learn what a critical path is
and how is it created and used as well as what affects the critical
path and the effects this has on a project. Understand how your
activities within the project schedule may not be on the critical
path, or may become part of the critical path due to actions beyond
your control in also key. Learn the significance of using As-planned
CPM schedules and as-built CPM schedules. This program also looks
at costs associated with delays such as those costs associated
with direct labor and materials and other increase is costs associated
with: general conditions; OH and Profit; acceleration; affect
on anticipated labor; and loss of efficiency. Learn the difficulties
associated with various methods used to prove delays damages such
as: Total Cost Analysis; Measured Mile Analysis; and the Eichleay
Formula. In this program, above all, you’ll learn what is
important for documenting a delay including what costs are allowed
verses what just won’t fly when you try and recoup your
delay damages.
(For management and project managers)
Negotiation Skills
Getting the Contract Terms You Want
How to go about asking for and getting the contract terms and
conditions that you want. Once you understand the importance of
the contract terms, you will want to add favorable terms and conditions
and eliminate the unfavorable terms. Know what you are willing
to give up and what are must-haves before walking into the negotiation
session. Learn how to make negotiations a win-win situation. (For
management and key decision makers)
Avoiding Change Order Disputes
Understand the psychology of a change order. Learn when you have
the power to make demands and how to avoid losing this power position.
Learn the fundamentals of avoiding adversarial encounters during
negotiations. (For management, project managers, and superintendents)
Negotiating Skills in General
Go beyond the specifics of contract negotiations and change orders.
Learn the skills that make a good negotiator. Skills that are
useful for resolving disputes, entering into business deals, working
with people. (For management, project managers, superintendents,
and administration staff)
Expert Witness Coaching
Maintaining Credibility While Testifying
How to prepare for testifying and what supporting documentation
you will need to maintain believability as an industry expert.
How to answer questions to minimize attack and discredit while
on the stand. How to handle questions while under attack.
Depositions and Trial Testimony
Understand the differences and what may or may not be disclosed.
Learn how to present information in easy to understand style that
will minimize attack from opposing experts.
Courtroom Demeanor with Video Evaluation
What kind of demeanor lends itself to improving credibility. How
to avoid annoying mannerisms, nervous habits or demeanor that
implies a lack of confidence. This is accompanied with a mock
deposition, or questioning while on video. The performance video
will be reviewed and evaluated during the training session.
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